
Svp salary
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Only 53% of employees thought that their organization is prepared for hybrid working, compared to 74% of C-suite leaders. Employees were 11% more likely than the C-Suite to say that their organizations were not at all prepared for the shift to hybrid. There is also a clear divide between the C-suite and other employees when it comes to preparedness for hybrid working. More than half (52%) of the respondents also admitted that they would prefer to work from home but are concerned their career would suffer long-term.

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Three in four employees are concerned about hybrid working, largely due to poor communication practices and an unequal playing field, and only 20% think their organization is very prepared for hybrid, with UK employees feeling slightly more confident at 25%. Employees are more likely to request more days working in office – 3 days or more a week – if their company did not do a good job transitioning to remote work during the pandemic, with 17% wanting to be in the office full-time, compared to 14% for those who had a good experience with the remote work transition. Yet companies that did a poor job transitioning staff to remote working during the pandemic or concerns about career development might be the real drivers. The dominant reasons for why people want to return to the office are team connectivity, motivation and equipment challenges. Leaders have a false sense of confidence in hybrid working This shift in attitude towards flexible working and office space suggests that employers need to rethink their benefits packages and ensure that they are appropriate for post-pandemic working life.

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71% of the global workforce also see the office as a social amenity and place to collaborate, with independent working happening off-site. The report also found that nearly three quarters of respondents (73%) believe that in the future having an office space will be considered an employee benefit as opposed to a mandatory way of working. This is according to a new report from Jabra the Jabra Hybrid Ways of Working 2021 Global Report carried out amongst 5,000 knowledge workers in five countries worldwide, including the UK. Flexible working has overtaken salary as the top benefit to employees (59%), highlighting that flexibility and autonomy over the working day is now more important than financial reward for most workers.

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